
Chapter 4: Security – A Brief Introduction

原文来自: 使用通义千问翻译。


In the previous chapter, we created our first table intended to store business data. In a business application such as Odoo, one of the first questions to consider is who1 can access the data. Odoo provides a security mechanism to allow access to the data for specific groups of users.

The topic of security is covered in more detail in Restrict access to data. This chapter aims to cover the minimum required for our new module.

Data Files (CSV) 数据文件(CSV)

Odoo is a highly data driven system. Although behavior is customized using Python code, part of a module’s value is in the data it sets up when loaded. One way to load data is through a CSV file. One example is the list of country states which is loaded at installation of the base module.

state_au_1,au,"Australian Capital Territory","ACT"
state_au_2,au,"New South Wales","NSW"
state_au_3,au,"Northern Territory","NT"
  • id is an external identifier. It can be used to refer to the record (without knowing its in-database identifier).
    id 是外部标识符,可以用来引用记录(无需知道其在数据库中的标识符)。
  • country_id:id refers to the country by using its external identifier.
    country_id:id 通过使用其外部标识符来引用国家。
  • name is the name of the state. name 是州/省的名称。
  • code is the code of the state. code 是州/省的代码。

These three fields are defined in the model.

By convention, a file importing data is located in the data folder of a module. When the data is related to security, it is located in the security folder. When the data is related to views and actions (we will cover this later), it is located in the views folder. Additionally, all of these files must be declared in the data list within the file. Our example file is defined in the manifest of the base module.

Also note that the content of the data files is only loaded when a module is installed or updated.


The data files are sequentially loaded following their order in the file. This means that if data A refers to data B, you must make sure that B is loaded before A.

In the case of the country states, you will note that the list of countries is loaded before the list of country states. This is because the states refer to the countries.

Why is all this important for security? Because all the security configuration of a model is loaded through data files, as we’ll see in the next section.

Access Rights 访问权限

Reference: the documentation related to this topic can be found in Access Rights.


Goal: at the end of this section, the following warning should not appear anymore:

WARNING rd-demo odoo.modules.loading: The models [‘’] have no access rules…

When no access rights are defined on a model, Odoo determines that no users can access the data. It is even notified in the log:

WARNING rd-demo odoo.modules.loading: The models [''] have no access rules in module estate, consider adding some, like:

Access rights are defined as records of the model ir.model.access. Each access right is associated with a model, a group (or no group for global access) and a set of permissions: create, read, write and unlink2. Such access rights are usually defined in a CSV file named ir.model.access.csv.

Here is an example for our previous test_model:

  • id is an external identifier. id 是外部标识符。
  • name is the name of the ir.model.access. nameir.model.access的名称。
  • model_id/id refers to the model which the access right applies to. The standard way to refer to the model is model_<model_name>, where <model_name> is the _name of the model with the . replaced by _. Seems cumbersome? Indeed it is…
    model_id/id 指定访问权限适用的模型。标准方式是指定model_<model_name>,其中<model_name>是模型的_name,将.替换为_。看起来繁琐吗?确实如此…
  • group_id/id refers to the group which the access right applies to.
    group_id/id 指定访问权限适用的用户组。
  • perm_read,perm_write,perm_create,perm_unlink: read, write, create and unlink permissions
    perm_read,perm_write,perm_create,perm_unlink 分别代表读、写、创建和删除权限。


Add access rights. 添加访问权限。

Create the ir.model.access.csv file in the appropriate folder and define it in the file.

Give the read, write, create and unlink permissions to the group base.group_user.

Tip: the warning message in the log gives you most of the solution 😉

Restart the server and the warning message should have disappeared!

It’s now time to finally interact with the UI!

1.meaning which Odoo user (or group of users)

2.‘unlink’ is the equivalent of ‘delete’


《 “AI翻译及测试Odoo17开发教程,第四章:安全入门简介” 》 有 5 条评论

  1. 有个问题 : model_id/id 在这个csv 文件中 写了之后,发现现在写的值 正好是xml_id , 这个xml_id 在创建模型时 就有的么? 还是写了 csv 文件之后 赋予的?我们 新建一个 库 退回到 第三章 还没这个 csv 文件时,看看xml_id是什么

    1. xml_id 在第三章 创建estate_property模型时 就有了,它的名字是 文件夹名(技术名称).model_模型名

      1. 还有个可能,去元数据中看xml_id时,还有导出时,它按一定的规则生成。思考:如果知道xml_id保存在哪个表中,py文件创建模型后,用pg命令看下对应的表中是否生成xml_id;或者有一天仔细看下odoo的model部分源码,可能也会看到相关的内容。

  2. 接下来试试 model_id/id 写成 model_estate_property 应该也可以的,不用写成 estate.model_estate_property 。看官方的模块和 这篇教程 是没加 estate. 的。

  3. 在 Odoo 17 中,XML-ID(外部 ID) 存储在数据库的 表中。刚创建好 模型时,这张表里面 并没有模型 的xml_id 数据。


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